Qualified Remodeler Magazine

Exterior Contractor SEP-OCT 2013

Qualified Remodeler helps independent remodeling firms to survive, become more professional and more profitable by providing must-have business information, namely best business practices, new product information and timely design ideas.

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"This project is the quintessential design-build project, where we really worked with the customer to outline a reasonable budget, designed for that budget and then were able to construct the project," Fiester says. "A lot of these very high-level concepttype projects don't ever get built because they get designed so out-of-whack from reality, and this is a good example of a project that worked out for everybody." One of the challenges was integrating the landscape into the design rather than viewing it as its own entity. ExtErior products: Housewraps & Underlayments RainDrop 3D Ice and Water Shield GracE construction products' Ice and Water Shield is a full-adhered smooth underlayment that creates a watertight seal without requiring a special treatment of the laps. The waterproofing of areas like valleys, chimneys and roof-towall transitions is simplified by the underlayment's ripcord, split release, making installation more efficient. Rolls are available in a width of 36 in., and lengths of 36, 66.6 or 75 ft. Circle 25 or visit ForResidentialPros. com/11118872 GrEEnGuard improves the energy efficiency and moisture resistance of buildings with its RainDrop 3D housewrap. Recognized by the Air Barrier Association of America as a qualified air barrier material, the housewrap includes builtin drainage channels that will not crimp or flatten, which ensures water will drain. The barrier material has water holdout properties and permeability for moisture escape. Circle 26 or visit ForResidentialPros.com/11113220 NovaWrap Aspire intErtapE polymEr Group uses a 100 percent non-woven polypropylene fabric in its NovaWrap Aspire, making it environmentally friendly. The housewrap can be installed over and protect plywood, OSB, gypsum, gypsum composite, rigid foam and other sheathing materials. It also can be installed under brick, stone, stucco, EIFS, cement board, wood, vinyl, metal and composites. The fabric is marked with fastener locations, and vertical and horizontal lap marks. Circle 27 or visit ForResidentialPros.com/11113192 Prime Wrap The Prime Wrap from cs Fabric intErnational is a woven and coated polyethylene fabric that provides a water-, air-, moistureand weather-resistant barrier. The housewrap is translucent so installers can see what they are nailing to during installation, as well as allowing the studs to be visible during siding application. Available in roll widths of 3, 41/2, 9 and 10 ft., rolls also are available in lengths of 100, 150 and 195 ft. Circle 28 or visit ForResidentialPros. com/11112265 ForResidentialPros.com September/October 2013 5

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