Qualified Remodeler Magazine

Exterior Contractor SEP-OCT 2013

Qualified Remodeler helps independent remodeling firms to survive, become more professional and more profitable by providing must-have business information, namely best business practices, new product information and timely design ideas.

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EXTERIOR CONTRACTOR Connected Landscape In the absence of a backyard, an outdoor living space is created in the front yard of a Boulder, Colo., home Photos: Jason Innes Photography An outdated pink stucco finish received an exterior face-lift when homeowners decided to improve their home's curb appeal. By Kacey Larsen After buying their Boulder, Colo., home, the owners decided they wanted to amp up its curb appeal. The existing pink stucco finish added character, but not in a good way. Also, a small patio area did not meet their definition of an outdoor living space. The homeowners contacted Melton Design Build, also in Boulder, after seeing the company's signs and trucks and hearing about its reputation in the community. "They were really looking for a covered, secondary space that gave them some shade protection, as the sun can be kind of harsh in Boulder," says Josh Fiester, a project development manager at Melton Design Build. "As with any outdoor space, we always want it to be experienced from the inside, so you can see the outside and want to spend time out there. Outdoor living spaces aren't totally disconnected from the house." One of the ways the outdoors was brought inside was by creating a more welcoming entryway. Fiester notes that the homeowners wanted bigger Before ForResidentialPros.com September/October 2013 3

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