Qualified Remodeler Magazine

Exterior Contractor SEP-OCT 2013

Qualified Remodeler helps independent remodeling firms to survive, become more professional and more profitable by providing must-have business information, namely best business practices, new product information and timely design ideas.

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EXTERIOR CONTRACTOR glass doors for the entrance and balcony, so they could see more of the outside. The additional elements of a gateway, porch and covered entryway fit the client's definition of welcoming. The existing slab of concrete did not create a welcoming feeling to the patio. The new deck area and landscaping give the homeowners a yard because there was no space for a backyard without overwhelming the front of the home. "You definitely had to tie in the landscape with the existing home as opposed to looking at the landscape as its own entity. That was part of the design challenge," Fiester says. Although Melton Design Build was not responsible for the landscape work, Fiester notes they had a hand in the landscape design. A new drainage system and the use of irrigation products resolved problematic irrigation issues caused by the yard's original engineering. Changes to the siding, standing-seam metal roof, powdercoated metal railings and stone landscaping helped the exterior of the home to be low-maintenance and eco-friendly. Before Above: A table and seating area provide the homeowners with a functional outdoor living space, which created a backyard feel, but in the home's front yard. Left: A standing-seam metal roof, powder-coated metal railings and stone landscape products contributed to a low-maintenance and eco-friendly design. 4 September/October 2013 ForResidentialPros.com

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